What we do

Callegari & Martini arose from the experience of professionals specialised in IP and commercial law with a direct and in-depth knowledge of the various issues that might be of interest to people and companies (both small and medium-sized and multinational) in these fields. Our expertise includes copyright, design and models protection, unfair competition, patents, advertising, sports rights and commercial law.

We provide assistance both on a non-contentious level (including contracts, specialised advices, settlements, customs monitoring programs etc.), and on a contentious level, in ordinary and urgent proceedings, including cross boarder proceedings, or in arbitrations and procedures before guarantor authorities and juries.

The business areas in which we are active include media and IT, life sciences, technology, bio and food, designer products, fashion and luxury brands, gaming and entertainment.

The firm has offices in Milan, Brescia and Vicenza.


In corso di brevettazione le scarpe di Ritorno al Futuro: le Nike McFly


Apple agisce contro Samsung per violazione di proprietà intellettuale (e Samsung reagisce) – Updated